Enneagram 3w4- The Expert
Have you ever known someone who is self-reflective, ambitious, and committed to achieving their goals while focusing on their personal identity? That’s 3w4 Enneagram. They have a unique blend of traits of enneagram type 3 and wing type 4. From type 3 they are ambitious, goal and success-oriented, while type 4 they have individualistic behavior and a desire for unique self-expression. Individuals with 3w4 personalities are known for their growth-oriented approach and artistic expression. These individuals are known for their determination and creative thinking.
What is 3w4 Enneagram?
They are commonly known as The Professional and The Expert. They are energetic, competitive, goal-oriented, and ambitious from type 3 and honest, creative, and individualistic from type 4. These individuals always strive hard and act diligently to achieve their goals and want others to know and recognize their efforts. They always look for different ways to express themselves to others and want others to appreciate their unique contributions. They always try to achieve their goals in a competitive manner, but their main focus is on expressing themselves as individuals.

3w4 Meaning
3 is the enneagram type, which means these individuals are ambitious, goal-oriented, and energetic. At the same time, 4 is the wing type, which means they are honest and want others to recognize and appreciate their contributions and unique identity. The result of this unique blend makes the individual ambitious and success-oriented, and they want recognition while valuing their personal identity and expressions.
3w4 Personality Traits
- Creative thinkers and problem solvers
- Appreciate aesthetic beauty
- Innovative and organized approach
- Vigilant of their social appearance
- Artistic and Creative
- Status Conscious
- Self-assured and Energetic
- Introspective and Self-aware
Core Fear
The core and basic fear of 3w4 is failure. They are afraid of not getting success and admiration. They want to achieve their desires and want others to recognize their efforts. They feel that if they achieve their goals, they will become more valuable because they measure their worth by their success. They are afraid of a bad reputation as they want others to recognize them for their unique identity and personality.
Core Desire
The core and basic desire of 3w4 is to be loved, worthy, and successful. They always want to achieve their goals and want to fulfill their dreams. They want others to admire and recognize them and give validations on their achievements and struggles They want others to acknowledge their unique identities. They want to achieve goals while reflecting their true personality and identity. They always want others to understand their emotions. Their desires make their personality meaningful and impressive.
3w4 Strengths and Weaknesses
- Adaptive and charismatic
- Resilient
- Committed to tasks
- Empathic and Caring
- Profound Self-awareness
- Appreciate Others
- Self Motivated
- Creative and innovative approach

- Perfectionism
- Image conscious
- Overly focused and critical
- Fear of failure
- Sensitive to criticism
- Self-loathing
- Required validations
- Emotional Volatility
Healthy vs Unhealthy Enneagram 3w4
In a healthier state, 3w4s are generous, caring, kind, and sincere. They admire and trust others and believe in their success. They are artistic and creative individuals who achieve their goals and ambitions while maintaining their unique personalities. In their healthier state, they are authentic, self-assured, and highly motivated. They are much comfortable in expressing themselves and they are too confident in their abilities. They are generous and empathic, and they always try to connect themselves deeply and emotionally with others
On the other hand, unhealthier 3w4s are afraid of failure. Due to their desire for external validation and appreciation, they become overly critical and sensitive to criticism. They become too competitive and image-conscious. When the results of their achievements do not meet their expectations they feel worthless and become stressed. Their rejection fear causes them to create manipulative situations.
3w4 Relationships and love
3w2 vs 3w4
Enneagram 3w2 and 3w4 both are ambitious, goal-oriented, and energetic. They both want to achieve their desires and goals and want to become successful. 3w2 are more kind, generous, and empathic because of their wing type 2, while 3w4 are more individualistic people because of their wing type 4. They want others to recognize and praise their unique expressions and self-identity.
3w4 vs 8w7
They both are ambitious and goal-oriented but their motivations and approaches are different. 3w4 always strives hard to achieve their goal while expressing their authenticity and identity, while 8w7 are more confident and bold. They always strive for freedom and independence, and they are risk-takers. They push boundaries to achieve their ambitions.
They are compatible with the ones who give value and love to them and who admire their efforts and struggles. They always want to feel loved and respected for their efforts. They are compatible with ones who can deeply understand their emotions, like type 4s,5s, 6s and 9s
3w4 in Love
In their love relationships, they want relations based on mutual respect and support. 3w4s are generous and caring partners. They always try to support their partners. They want their partners to appreciate and encourage them in their efforts. They want partners who can match their desire for achievements while expressing their true identity.
3w4 Female

These individuals are the leaders. They make and maintain a balance between their personal and professional life. They are ambitious and goal-oriented individual, and they want to achieve their all desires and goals. In relationships, they are loving and supportive partners. They seek partners who can encourage and appreciate them and also motivate their self-identity. Sometimes, their deep desire for appreciation validations causes hurdles and clashes in their relationships, which they can solve with mutual discussion and support.
3w4 Childhood
3w4 are creative and sensitive children. They are highly motivated children and from their childhood, they strive hard to achieve their desires because they are raised in an environment where they see others struggling hard to achieve their goals. Sometimes, they struggle to balance their desire for success while maintaining their self-authenticity.

3w4 Relation with Specific MBTI Types:
ENTJ 3w4
ENTJ 3w4 are hardworking and creative individuals. They have a unique blend of strategic leadership and creative self-expression. They are effective leaders who are not only result-oriented despite they are creative and innovative as well. They know how to push boundaries to gain their endeavors. Their core desire is to become successful, and their core fear is failure. They want others to appreciate and recognize their efforts.
ENFJ 3w4
ENFJs are brilliant leaders and great leaders. ENFJ 3w4 are ambitious and goal-oriented individuals and have a deep desire for personal authenticity. They are deeply connected with their own and other’s emotions. They want to do things that come with success. The core and main fear is to worthless. They have a deep desire for independence and they always strive for it. They are so image conscious and they are obsessed with their self-image. They are sensitive to criticism.

3w4 Characters and celebrities
Individuals having type 3w4 are as follows
- Cleopatra – Late ruler of Egypt
- Julius Caesar – Roman Ruler
- Madonna – American Singer
- Tom Cruise – American Producer
- Helen Mirren – British Actor
- Lewis Hamilton – British Race car driver
- Niccolo Machiavelli – Italian Diplomayt and philosopher
- Steve Jobs – Former Ceo of Apple
- Lady Gaga – American Singer
Anime and Frictional Characters
- Light Yagami – Death Note
- Griffith – Berserk
- Rory Mercury – Gate
- Satsuki Kiryuin – Kill la Kill
- Hisoka Morow – Hunter x Hunter
- Ervinn Smith – Attack on Titan
- Lelouch vi Britannia – Code Geass
3w4 Career paths
- Architect
- Marketer
- Politician
- Financial Analyst
- Investment Banker
- Lawyer
- Nurse
- Pilot
- Entrepreneur
In Summary

Individuals having 3w4 personalities are known as the expert and professional. They are growth-oriented and ambitious individuals who always strive hard to achieve their desires and goals while expressing their authenticity and self-identity. Their core desire is to be successful and seen as successful, and their core fear is to become unworthy and unloved. They are generous and caring individuals who have deep emotions for others. One of the main weaknesses is external validations and appreciation. They are adaptive, resilient, and committed to their tasks. They are the individuals who always want independence and they strive hard to achieve it.
To know more about your Enneagram type take the ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY TEST given below.